Tuesday, July 24, 2007

soo i'm going to be dad

*no longer will this anorexic blog have apologies for long "breaks"

okay moving along, i'm going to be a dad! yep, me... a dad.. someone's daddy... sounds strange i know but 'tis still true and when is the due date you ask me? October 26, 2007. Yep it's sorta around-the-corner-yet-still-annoyingly-far-away but i'm enjoying the quietness for now.

i've racked up a lot of miles since my last post (been to home for a month, London etc.) Also i've been working hard at my top secret job -- of which i'm on the second week of a month vacation. i'll stand up admit that i, l, am an addict to my beautiful 4th xbox which i light candles too and do a finger crunching dance to regularly. oh! i got to see my nephew, after a few years, and am STLL the cool uncle! yay! never know with 13 year old's, 'specially in this day and age. i even let him beat me at fifa... notice the word "let" which should have a disclaimer after it but i'm not really going to do that.

wifey is fine and her stomach is rather large now. i have even coerced the little mini me into responding to my voice on specific commands, obviously the kid knows who's in charge already.

stay focused.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

i'm starting not to like kids

i still like babies and who can hold a grudge against any kid that still wears a built in toilet system but the ones that know better? not a fan. 'specially now. winter showed up rather late and put a nice layer of snow down which is relaxing to offset the sun's winter heroin addiction. well, when i'm in between Gears of War online matches I'll grab a smoke on the balcony. the snow that i see from the balcony has been well preserved and it looks like a perfectly iced cake (something i find relaxing and appreciate). today i headed out to gaze intently on my two week obsession when what do you know? some kids, ran though the snow messing that perfect area up. hence my dislike. i keep checking my weather widget to see when it's going to snow again in hopes that it's enough to cover up those little bastards footprints....

