Thursday, March 30, 2006

Godfather update: rank - capo

My video game life of crime is starting to pay off and i'm getting more and more impressed with their well thought out storylines within this game. they stick to the movie's script but intelligently expand on things that are taken for granted in the movie. the theme song is stuck in my head in all it's variations.

she stopped paying her cable bill yay!

over the last 10 or so years i've become a bitter man because people are doing things that i was forced to do growing up.

your a vegetarian, wow!!! I didn't eat meat until i was 15. people couldn't pronounce the word back then and when you explained it they would would ask curiously stupid questions like: "soooo, what DO you eat?" *blank stare* now it's the Thing and vegetarians talk with faux self assuredness as to how much smarter they are and to think of all the cow families that are together because of them.

another one of many is not watching tv. i wasn't allowed to watch even the cosby show growing up though tv's where owned in the houses i lived. nothing. my great plan was to listen to the plots of shows in one class and respond in the next class. *sigh* well i was on tailrank and noticed this big deal (though i do respect it) of this lady deciding to turn off her cable bill.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm a made man!

nothing much going on here at the ldef office folks i'm hoping that today the true signs of spring can kick in and make my life a little warmer. my latest addictions have been daxter for psp which i'm entitled to state is the best game i've played on the psp. my other addiction(s) has been obsessively reorganizing my computer (my new desktop picture above) and playing the godfather (c) title. i've been approaching looking for a job in a more 'direct' way by calling up companies and telling the point blank that they need to hire me, i'll let you know how that comes out.

i went to see the swedish premire of inside man on monday night and officially flushed spike down the toilet. he needs to move to cananda or something to get his mojo back and the needless forcing of race related issues... meh.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

god only knows (c) the Beach Boys

this song is my new obsession, along with netnewswire, thanks to big love which affirms my conviction that life as a pologimst is the farthest thing from dope. sopranos was ridic and yesterday i spent my free time in class preaching about born in brothels

God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows what I’d be without you
God only knows
God only knows what I’d be without you

Monday, March 13, 2006

born into brothels

this weekend i finally saw last year's docu oscar winner and was blown away, or should i say that something blew into my eyes along the way. those kids were some of the most photogenic kids i've ever seen and the way that they pulled you into the store was amazing. it's scary to know that there are kids, right now, living with so little options. *sigh*

i also saw the smartest guys in the room and the pure evil that greed breeds scared the shit out of me. it's hard to comprehend how people can't accept enough as enough. enron actual caused the cali blackouts of 2000? to make money? that's nightmarishly creepy.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

short shorts

- i'm taking intensive swedish classes with chris

- i'm starting to shit swedish

- i'm happy 3 6 won the oscar, shit they were happy so why shouldn't i be?

- i had to stay up damn near all night to watch the oscars, damn cali time

- my psp and have been spending lots of quality time together lately, thanks mph (whoever that is)

- my news addiction is getting kinda out of hand lately, i'm going to work on that

- the pistons are the best in the league so why don't i get any congrads emails from anyone? haters.

- saw ess vee about 2 weeks ago, right after the funeral and they killed it. perfect breath control and they destroyed the audience

- it really needs to stop snowing

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


yesterday was apple's "big" announcement and if you've been a trusty reader of this here blahg then you'd know of the ldef's staff's full appreciate and cult like worship well yesterday they didn't really amaze many. they announced that there is a new intel based mac mini but it lacks a tv in (which allows you to record) and the price went up. that kills off the hope that the intel move would lower prices on mac machines and removes me from one who's going to spring for a mini to replace everything but the tv at the ldef headquarters... they also announcement an ipod hi fi ($349) which had me hit the snooze button not to mention a $99 leather ipod case i.e. fuck that. i my honest opinion they used up some of their wow capital in that boring announcement yesterday though i'd put money on 'BIG' changes for their april fools day 30th anniversary changes. i would like to see a full screen video ipod and cheaper intel based ibook.

in totally unrelated news i read touching this article on the last days of jay dee.

