Thursday, December 30, 2004

follow the light

2004 is taking it's last breaths and i'm sitting by it's beside holding it's hand. not so much hoping that it would hang in there a little longer but appreciating what it's shown me in the trillion piece jigsaw puzzle being put together blindfolded in this thing i call life. i've learned a lot of things this year and was blessed enough to be at the right place at the right time, a couple of times.

People tend to tell you that patience has gifts, it's just waiting to unpack them, but most of those people sharing are already enjoying the it's presents. I heard these things over and over, in fact my whole life has been people telling me that if i wait... things will work out. i got tired of waiting a long time ago but did because of a still vivid memory of sitting in a holding cell, age 17, for violating curfew knowing that this wasn't the place for me, ever. i'm not saying 2004 has answered all of m problems but it sure has sharpened my focus, trust, 'i'm soo sincurr' now.

i promise myself, and those who have gone before me, to crush 2005. if your one of the few that are going to be along for the ride you might want to invest in a industrial strength seat belts and headgear cause i took the brakes off the b-i.

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